Browsing: Baseball

Padres Game Recap – June 20, 2015

In Ross we trust!  Tyson took matters into his own hands tonight to fire the first complete game of the season for the Padres and lead the team to an 8-1 win over the D’Backs to

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Padres Game Recap – June 19, 2015

The Padres’ struggles continued tonight as they lost to the Diamondbacks 4-2. Shields just had one of those games where none of his various repertoire seemed to want to consistently go where he wanted them to.

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Padres Game Recap – June 18, 2015

The Padres rebounded nicely from the rough night before and got Pat Murphy his first win as Padres skipper by taking down the A’s today 3-1. Ian Kennedy set the tone from the 1st inning with

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Padres Game Recap – June 17, 2015

16-2 the A’s over the Padres tonight.  Need I type more?  For those who didn’t see it but want to know the morbid details I’ll keep it short. Despaigne struggled in the 1st and the Pads

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Padres Game Recap – June 16, 2015

The Pat Murphy era of Padres baseball was ushered in today as A.J. Preller announced before the ball game that Murph had been selected the new interim manager of the ball club for the remainder of

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Padres Game Recap – June 15, 2015

Quite a day for the Padres organization.  First and foremost in the midst of his 9th year of leading the Padres, Buddy Black was relieved of his duties as manager this afternoon.  Later in the evening the

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Padres Game Recap – June 14, 2015

If there is one thing you have to be in order to survive in MLB it’s resilient.  The Padres are having their resiliency tested as I type after they suffered another heartbreaking loss at the hands

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Padres Game Recap – June 13, 2015

Now THAT’S more like it!  After breaking our hearts last night, like a fickle and manipulative lover baseball sidled back up next to us Padres fans this evening, purred sweet nothings into our ears and made us

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Padres Game Recap – June 12, 2015

“It [baseball] breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart.” – Bart Giamati And break the hearts of Padres fans it did tonight, like no other night of the 2015 season as the Padres

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Padres Game Recap – June 11, 2015

Every win is something to savor…but there are some that are simply sweeter than others. Today’s 6-4 extra inning victory over the Braves was full of challenges, potential stumbling blocks, and opportunities to just say, “Forget

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